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2013     Franz and Frances Brotzen Award (by Rice MEMS department)
2013     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Best Poster Award for Summer Interns
2012     Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Studying Abroad

Chinese Goverment Award

2008     Excellent undergraduate research project award

Selected Conferences/Talks

06/2012 The 24th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Theory, Wake Forest University, NC.

12/2011     ONR/AFOSR Joint Graphene Review, Monterey, CA

07/2011     Rice-Tsinghua Nanomaterials Workshop, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

04/2011     Guadalup workshop for Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes, San Antonio, TX.

03/2011     American Physical Society March Meeting, Dallas, TX.

08/2010     Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai, China.

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